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A Member Shares On...


Four years into my Al-Anon program, my sponsor told me that a nearby Alateen meeting was in need of a group sponsor. The outgoing sponsor had served in the capacity for 17 years and was stepping down. I showed up at the meeting, and the teens voted to allow me to be their group sponsor.

To say the least, it was very intimidating at first. It was a very well-run meeting with a secretary, treasurer, other service positions, and great sharing. Many of the teens already had incredible recovery — one young woman with eight years in the program to my four! To add to my insecurity, many of them were very tall, towering over me. It did not feel like an adult-teen relationship but more that of equals.

I kept coming back and realized that my sole responsibility was to show up there every week to allow them to have a meeting and to listen. (Alateens need an adult member of Al-Anon in order to hold their meeting and, nowadays, meetings are attended by two Al-Anon members serving as group sponsors.) By showing up every week, I provided an example of an adult male who cared and who could be consistent in his commitment. This is so important to the teens because many of them lack consistency in their homes.

Over the years, I have had the honor of attending not only meetings but conferences, campouts, fundraisers, and other events and hearing many Alateen stories. It is an amazing gift and privilege to witness their growth, acceptance, and recovery and to see them gain self-confidence and self-esteem. I am happy to say that being an Alateen Sponsor is one of the most rewarding things I do.